Court House

The Salvation Army Court Office offers support to those affected by the Justice System including accused, victims, witnesses, and their families. We offer both practical and spiritual assistance by serving as a communication link and information service. Some of these services include cell visits, providing transportation to people who are released from custody at the courthouse, and arranging accommodations for those who have no fixed address. A visit is made to the court cells each morning in order to ensure that those arrested the previous night have made contact with their lawyers and to make phone calls where necessary. We provide support to the accused and their families for the provision of information and support.


Court Worker
Phone: (519) 438-1922

Journey to Justice

The Support to Report program provides support for sexually assaulted adults who identify as involved in the sex trade, or sex trafficked individuals, in accessing the justice system. The Case Manager provides assistance navigating the justice system, transportation, crisis counselling, and accompaniment and emotional support at appointments. The Case Manager also aids in Victim Compensation Applications and provides soft transfers to other services in the community, not limited to a survivor’s sexual assault. Individuals can self-refer or they can be referred to the Case Manager by other agencies. No intake is required.

Jaclyn MacLean

Peer Support Worker

519-432-9553 ext. 2

Positive Lifestyle Program

The Positive Lifestyle Program is a life skills counseling program for male or female clients who have committed an offence or who are at risk of becoming involved in the criminal justice system. Referrals are provided by probation, doctors, lawyers, other social service organizations or self-referred. A weekly women’s only group is also available.


Michele Hines, B.A.
PLP Program Counsellor
519-432-9553 ext. 3

Positive Lifestyle Program Brochure PDF Download

Compulsive Shoplifting

Compulsive Shoplifting Program is a 10-week program for male and female clients who have committed a theft offence. Referrals are provided by probation, doctors, lawyers, other social service organizations or self-referred. Group sessions are run weekly with ongoing Intake interviews. Assistance includes one-to-one and group sessions with a focus on exploring why a person shoplifts and to support positive changes in behaviour.


Michele Hines, B.A.
PLP Program Counsellor
519-432-9553 ext. 3,

Compulsive Shoplifting Program Brochure PDF Download

Sex Buyer Accountability Program (John School)

The Sex Buyer Accountability Program is a community based diversion program for persons who have committed the offense of “communication for the purpose of prostitution”. An intake assessment is held to discuss eligibility, obligations, and provide program details. The John School is a one day, eight hour, group which includes speakers from the community. Some topics include: violence in the sex trade, the law, health risks, and myths and realities of the sex trade. Group discussions allow the participants to reflect on their behaviour, false justifications and problematic areas. There is also an opportunity to meet one-to-one to seek further resources and support should participants wish to do so. This is a fee for service program which helps to support the Cornerstone program.


Michele Hines, B.A.
PLP Program Counsellor
519-432-9553 ext. 3


The Outreach worker provides practical and spiritual support for clients, such as distribution of donated clothing and hygiene supplies, accompanying to court and assisting with other urgent issues. Prayer support, pastoral visits and spiritual material is available on request.


Aura Burditt, B.A.
Outreach Worker
519-432-9553 ext. 5

Cornerstone Outreach

Cornerstone Outreach is a community based education, life skills and support program for persons-at-risk or involved in the sex trade. The program is designed as a holistic, supportive, participative and needs-based initiative that extends beyond basic intervention. Cornerstone provides a constructive means for participants to examine the key issues and risks associated with the sex trade. Individual choices, factors and barriers are examined. Tools are also provided for leaving eh sex trade safety.


Aura Burditt, B.A.
Outreach Worker
519-432-9553 ext. 5

Peer Support

The Peer Support Worker will act as a mentor and support person for at risk/trafficked/sexually-exploited girls/women/youth in order to encourage healing and recovery among clients, and will engage the community in preventative strategies to address sex trafficking and sexual exploitation in London/Middlesex

Peer Support Worker

519-432-9553 ext. 4

Soul Food

Soul Food is a weekly drop-in meal and spiritual program for women. Participants assist with food preparation, clean up, and share in the meal and Bible-Based discussion.


Aura Burditt, B.A.

Certificate – Restorative Justice

Outreach Worker

519-432-9553 ext. 5 

The Journey

The Journey is a 3-day retreat for women who are impacted by the criminal justice system. This includes those trapped in prostitution, addiction and crime. This program is scheduled twice a year and takes place at a retreat house outside of the city. Applicants complete an intake interview through the program facilitator


Aura Burditt, B.A.
Outreach Worker
519-432-9553 ext. 5 

Elgin Middlesex Detention Centre

Inmates apply for services through the Social Worker on their unit or through the EMDC Chaplain.

Spiritual and Religious Care

The Salvation Army helps reduce anxiety for those impacted by the criminal justice system and compassion to those who find themselves in a stressful environment. The chaplain is available to provide spiritual counselling and prayer support for those having difficulty coping with their circumstances. Practical support, inspirational literature, referrals to community supports, warm clothing and other assistance is provided as required.

The Chaplain also provides support to those in custody and acts as a liaison with EMDC personnel, lawyers and families. Chaplaincy services are integral to transforming lives and building safer communities.


Aura Burditt, B.A.
Outreach Worker
519-432-9553 ext. 5 

Positive Lifestyle Program

The Positive Lifestyle Program is a life skills counseling program for female inmates. This group session is run weekly at EMDC. Inmates sign up for the program through the social worker on the unit.


Michele Hines, B.A.
PLP Program Counsellor
519-432-9553 ext. 3

Bear Hugs from Mom

The Bear Hugs from Mom Program at EMDC is for women who are incarcerated over Christmas and want to send their child (0-12yrs) a teddy bear. Inmates may sign up for the program through the social worker on the unit. The child’s care-provider will be contacted for permission to send the gift. Volunteers assist with wrapping and delivering the packages.


Michele Hines, B.A.
PLP Program Counsellor
519-432-9553 ext. 3

CSO (Community Service Orders)

The Salvation Army Correctional & Justice Services believes that all people are capable of positive change. We partner with the The Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN) to facilitate this program.

The CSO program serves adults who have been ordered by the courts to complete a prescribed number of community service hours. The directed individuals are expected to attend placements and regularly scheduled progress meetings, and complete their community hours within the allotted timeframe to have successful completion.


Christina Parry BA
Community Justice Worker

Cell: 226-377-6046

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