CSO (Community Service Orders)

The Salvation Army Correctional & Justice Services believes that all people are capable of positive change. We partner with the The Ministry of the Solicitor General (SOLGEN) to facilitate this program.

The CSO program serves adults who have been ordered by the courts to complete a prescribed number of community service hours. The directed individuals are expected to attend placements and regularly scheduled progress meetings, and complete their community hours within the allotted timeframe to have successful completion.


Brian Cooper
Community Justice Worker

Direct Accountability Program – St. Thomas

The Direct Accountability Program s is an alternative to prosecution for eligible individuals charged with minor criminal offences. The program operates in co-operation with the local County Crown’s Office. Males and females eighteen years of age and over who have been charged with a minor criminal offence(s) and would otherwise have to go through the court process are referred to the Program. Clients referred to the Program are assessed as to their risk and to the offence which they have been referred. Participants must be willing to assume responsibility for their actions and be prepared to make amends through the completion of an assigned sanction. Clients can be directed to complete community service, pay restitution, repair damage to property, make a charitable donation or be referred to a program (such as Drug & Alcohol Awareness) to address criminogenic factors. Clients who complete the program avoid a conviction for the offence(s). Clients who fail to complete the program are referred back to the Crown for prosecution. Courts covered: St. Thomas Stratford, Listowel, Wingham, Goderich, Exeter, and Chatham.

Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program

The Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program is a six hour educational/informational program offered in a small group or individual format as part of Direct Accountability. Participants learn about the effects of alcohol and various types of drugs, assess their own usage, explore how their problematic thinking, feeling and behaviour has led to their involvement with the criminal justice system, and discuss strategies for change.

Anger and Substance Abuse

This is a two-day 3 hour or one-day 6 hour education/informational program that targets persons charged with a criminal offence where ager management and/or substance use appear to have been a contributing factor to the offending behaviour


Brian Cooper, B.A.
Community Justice Worker

Direct Accountabiltiy Programs – Elgin County – Brochure Download
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