Community Learning Hub
Community Learning Hub
An innovative approach to delivering life skills.
Inspired by youth, for youth, the Community Learning HUB is a digital suite of programs that enhances the way life skills are delivered to youth. This innovative tool is easy to run and proven to work, leaving both the facilitator and the participants feeling more connected and energized.
The HUB is designed to engage youth who may not respond to traditional teaching methods. It targets, addresses and adapts to the most pressing and complex issues for in need communities. This program engages and motivates youth to develop their skills.
The Employment Program was developed to address some of the life-skills needs of at-risk youth for better integration into their local employment markets. The development of good employment skills is a key social determinant of long term health and mental health outcomes.
Anger Management
The Anger Management Program is a highly structured, eleven session, cognitive-behavioural based, skill development program for at-risk youth. The program attempts to address proven criminogenic risks and needs in the areas of anger, hostility, and aggression, and was specifically designed for youth at-risk.
Girls’ Group
The Girls’ Group Program provides participants with the opportunity to safely discuss real life issues relevant to relationships and violence in a gender specific format. The program aims to encourage greater feelings of self worth and assist youth with developing positive social supports.
Substance Abuse
The Substance Abuse Prevention Program provides session material based upon the latest research utilizing an interactive psycho-educational approach based in the bio-psycho-social model of dependency. Substance Abuse prevention is designed to be delivered over 11 sessions covering addictions based concepts such as the Stages of Change, the Spiral of Addiction, Physiological Tolerance, Dependence and Withdrawal, Psychological Dependence and Cravings, Influences and Harmful Impacts of Substance Abuse, as well as education on the various illicit substances found in society today.
Financial Literacy
The Financial Literacy Program provides session material focused on increasing participant knowledge and understanding of responsible money management and to develop the foundational elements of personal finance.
Weed Out The Risk
Weed Out The Risk is an interactive program highlighting the risks of using marijuana and driving for high school aged students. Using video, games, illustrations, and discussion opportunities this program explores the myths associated with marijuana use, its effect on the human body, implications for the driver, associated harms that can result, and some ideas for safety planning.
Trade Up
A six session, full-time employment preparation program for youth aged 15 – 29, focuses on skilled trades in Ontario. Designed to enhance the essential skills and work habits of older youth who, despite wanting to find rewarding, full-time employment, find themselves poorly integrated into the labour market with little to no current involvement in education, employment or training (i.e. N.E.E.T. youth). With a focus in the skilled trades in Ontario, participants explore the many benefits to pursuing this demanding and rewarding career path.